"Vargonuoja Leopoldas Digrys" aprašymas
Nuo pirmojo koncerto vargonais, kuris įvyko 1957 metais Maskvoje, L. Digrys skaičiuoja daugiau kaip 2500 koncertų ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir daugelyje Europos šalių.
Nelengva suminėti menininko repertuarą – būdamas vienas iš aktyviausiai koncertuojančių ir labiausiai ne tik Lietuvoje vertinamų vargonininkų, jis groja visų epochų – tiek senovinę, tiek romantinę, tiek ir šiuolaikinę vargonų muziką. Leopoldas Digrys buvo pirmuoju E. Balsio, J. Juzeliūno, B. Kutavičiaus, R. Žigaičio, T. Makačino, V. Bartulio, G. Bovet, A. Nemtino ir kitų kompozitorių kūrinių vargonams atlikėju ir daugelio užsienio kompozitorių kūrinių pirmuoju atlikėju Lietuvoje.
Išskirtinis Leopoldo Digrio veiklos bruožas – tradiciškai bažnytinį instrumentą vargonus jis išpopuliarino kaip pasaulietinį instrumentą ir netgi tarybiniais metais iniciavo nemažai lietuvių kompozitorių kūrinių, parašytų specialiai Leopoldui Digriui.
Leopoldas Digrys pagrįstai laikomas šiuolaikinės koncertinės vargonų muzikos klestėjimo pradininku. Jo iniciatyva ir pastangomis pastatyti koncertiniai ir maži kilnojami vargonai Lietuvos nacionalinėje filharmonijoje, Vilniaus Arkikatedroje, Šv. Kryžiaus bažnyčioje, Vilniaus onkologinės ligoninės koplyčioje, Klaipėdos universiteto salėje, šešeri mokomieji vargonai LMTA, Vilniaus Šv. Kazimiero bažnyčioje pastatyti vokiški koncertiniai vargonai, kurie užsienio specialistų nuomone pripažinti vienais geriausių pokario metais pastatytų vargonų Rytų Europoje.
Leopoldo Digrio vargonų specialybės klasę baigė per 40 aktyviai koncertuojančių vargonininkų. Jų tarpe – tarptautinių konkursų laureatai, docentai, profesoriai, pripažinti tarptautinio lygio atlikėjai, nuolatos koncertuojantys Europoje ir JAV.
Leopoldas Digrys is the most prominent Lithuanian organist. Entered the Moscow P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory where he finished his piano and organ studies in 1957 and then his postgraduate studies of both specialities in 1960 and 1961 (with Prof. G. Ginzburg and Prof. L. Roizman). He had an internship at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague with Prof. Dr. I. Reinberger. In 1960 Digrys started working at the Vilnius State Conservatoire (now Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre) as Senior Lecturer, then Associated Professor and Professor (1980). He retired in 2001. In 1997 Digrys established a public institution, The Centre for Religious Music, which he has been heading on volunteer basis since then.
Digrys started giving piano concerts while still a student in 1955 and organ concerts, in 1957. He has given over 2500 concerts in Lithuania, Finland (1963), Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland (1969), Austria, Germany (1971), Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia, Poland (1966, 1968, 1969 and 1972), Hungary (1970), Bulgaria, Romania, Israel and all former republics of the U.S.S.R. He has participated in international festivals in Schleswig-Holstein, J. S. Bach’s anniversary festivals in Bremen and Leipzig, also in Zurich, Lucerne, Turin, Venice, Goteborg, Gottingen, Salzburg, Tel Aviv, Sofia’s Autumn, Moscow Stars, A. Sakharov in Nizhny Novgorod and many others.
It would be difficult to list the musician’s repertoire. As one of the most active performers and most esteemed organists, he performs music of all epochs: the old, the romantic and contemporary organ music. He was the first to perform opuses for organ by E. Balsys, J. Juzeliūnas, B. Kutavičius, R. Žygaitis, T. Makačinas, V. Bartulis, G. Bovet, A. Nemtin and other composers; he was also the first performer of opuses by many international composers in Lithuania. He has given a range of concert series in Vilnius. Currently he is preparing European Organ Music, a series of concerts with the new organ of the St. Casimir’s Church. He has performed already 17 different programmes.
Digrys has recorded 21 vinyl discs (two of them in Western Germany of the time); he has many radio records; two short films have been made about him. His CD is currently being published.
On the initiative of Leopoldas Digrys or with his participation concert and small mobile organs have been built in the Lithuanian National Philharmonic, Picture Gallery (now the Cathedral-Basilica of Vilnius), the Small Baroque Hall (now The Church of Holy Cross), St. Casimir’s Church in Vilnius, the Hall of Klaipėda University and six student organs at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre.
Thanks to the maestro’s effort, the organ class has been re-opened at the present Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre in 1962 (it was closed in 1949), and the Organ and Clavichord Department was founded in 1990. The organ specialism was also started at the present Vilnius Conservatoire in 1992. Regional M. K. Čiurlionis Organ Competitions started in 1967 (with a long break) and in 1991, they became international.
Digrys has been a member of juries, their vice-chairman and chairman at international and regional competitions in Vilnius, Prague, Kiev and Kaliningrad. Among former students of Leopoldas Digrys there are professors, associated professors and laureates of international and regional competitions. In 1998, his textbook Kaip groti vargonais (How to Play Organ) was published by the Lithuanian Musicians Union (now it has been translated into Russian and is being published in Moscow).
Since 1963 the organist had been working together with the Lithuanian Philharmonic in organising concerts of organ music in the former Picture Gallery and later in the Small Baroque Hall which became traditional. He has organised eight International Festivals of Organ Music together with the Philharmonic. When churches were returned to their congregations, he has been continuing the tradition of free Sunday concerts at the St. Casimir’s Church in Vilnius. From 1991 he played the digital Allen organ, and since 2003 he has been playing the new Oberlinger organ. Every year he gives over 60 concerts. His concerts from July to August are included in the programme of the St. Christopher Summer Festival, Vilnius. His Centre for Religious Music organises concerts also in other Lithuanian churches.
During the years of occupation Digrys was awarded the title of Honoured People’s Artist of the LSSR and the Regional Prize and honorary diplomas of the Supreme Council. In independent Lithuania, he was awarded the Commander’s Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas, St. Christopher’s statue and diplomas of the Cardinal and the Major of Vilnius. In 1994 he was awarded the State Pension of the First Degree. In 2008 Leopoldas Digrys won the Lithuanian Government Award for Artists.